Our patterns are held in the subconscious mind. Think of these patterns as subroutines or tasks that continue operating as a matter of habit. There is no right or wrong or concern with logic here. The job of the subconscious is to maintain to status quo.
To change a habit or pattern, you need to communicate with the subconscious in the language it understands.
The subconscious mind responds to symbols, frequency, vibration,
and imagery. The way to communicate an idea to the subconscious is through repetition and routine.
Using tools like Affirmations, Switchwords, Healing Codes, and Energy Circles the conscious and logical mind is bypassed.
Us the resources given below to achieve the outcome you desire. Keep checking back for more or subscribe to our newsletter to get continue getting more information and get access to new resources.
Let us look at what are affirmations, switchwords, healing codes, and energy circles, and learn how to use them.
What are affirmations:
Affirmations are positive statements phrased in the present tense.
They are not about what is real right now, but what you want to create. You say that statement in present tense over and over again to make your subconscious believe in it. Affirmations work on the subconscious mind by seeping into it with repetition. Yes, the key with affirmations is repetition.
How to Use Affirmations:
- Choose the affirmation about the outcome you want to experience.
- Keep repeating it throughout the day as you are walking,
cooking, driving, and doing other tasks.
What are Switchwords and Switchphrases:
Switchwords and switchphrases (combination of switchwords) are positive affirmations that bypass the conscious mind and turn your subconscious mind on like a switch.
They can help you create more of what you desire to
experience, such as, a more harmonious relationship, better job, higher creativity, or increased prosperity.
What are Healing Codes:
All numbers have frequencies. Healing codes are combination of numbers that carry specific healing frequencies with them.
These numbers have been channeled by various healers and masters. Writing or chanting these numbers attune you to the frequency they emit.
How to Use Switchwords and Healing Codes:
- Chant them 10 times or 28 times at least 3 times a day.
- Write them on the left side of your body
What is an Energy Circy (EC):
Energy Circles are circles with images, numbers, or text within that hold special vibrations. They are used for a particular function, such as to attract money, repair relationships, etc.
Energy circles help generate positive vibrations that flow
through the house or your workplace.
How to Use Energy Circles:
- Keep it as your Profile Picture, Display Picture, Wallpaper, Screen Saver.
- Take a print, write your name in it, and laminate. Place it on Office Desk, Shop Counter, Cash Box or Locker, Wallet, Car Dashboard, or at home where you can frequently see it.
- You can place your water bottle on it and drink the charged
water. - You can place three figures on the energy circles to receive
their energy. - You can even place your photo on the energy circle to receive positive energy.

Save this Energy Circle and set it as your phone screensaver. Or print it and place your water
bottle on it to imbibe the positive energy and intent. You can also stick it on a wall around you.
1. I am happy, healthy, and safe.
2. My body is healthy and thriving.
3. I enjoy good health every day.
4. I easily take the steps needed to stay healthy.
5. I focus on positive progress.
6. I am a friend to my body. I forgive my body and treat it with the same
loving kindness I would like to receive.
7. I am open to new ways of improving my health.
8. My body knows how to heal itself. I allow the intelligence of my body to
move my health forward.
9. I am so grateful to be alive. I cherish being here.
10. I choose thoughts that create a healthy atmosphere within and around me.
Choose 2 to 3 affirmations that resonate with you the most and keep repeating them as you go about your day. At least once a day, focus on your energy on them and visualize the outcome to make them more effective.

Save this Energy Circle and set it as your phone screensaver. Or print it and place your water
bottle on it to imbibe the positive energy and intent. You can also stick it on a wall around you.
1. I love money and money loves me.
2. I am a magnet for money and abundance.
3. Prosperity is drawn to me.
4. Money comes to me easily and happily.
5. Everyday and every way I am richer in all ways .
6. I easily make abundant money.
7. I am open and receptive to all the wealth life offers me.
8. I embrace new avenues of wealth.
9. I am magnet of opportunities.
10. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth in my life
Choose 2 to 3 affirmations that resonate with you the most and keep repeating them as you go about your day. At least once a day, focus on your energy on them and visualize the outcome to make them more effective.

Save this Energy Circle and set it as your phone screensaver. Or print it and place your water
bottle on it to imbibe the positive energy and intent. You can also stick it on a wall around you.
1. I make good friends quickly and easily.
2. I treat every person I meet with respect, mercy, tolerance, and
3. I express my honest and sincere appreciation and praise for others easily
and often.
4. I actively listen to what others say without interrupting them.
5. I am surrounded with loving, caring people in my life.
6. I love myself and I am in charge of my own happiness.
7. I focus on what I can control and release the rest.
8. I increase the flow of love in my life.
9. I am sensitive to the needs of others.
10.I am cherishing all of my feelings and releasing what doesn’t serve me.
Choose 2 to 3 affirmations that resonate with you the most and keep repeating them as you go about your day. At least once a day, focus on your energy on them and visualize the outcome to make them more effective.

Save this Energy Circle and set it as your phone screensaver. Or print it and place your water
bottle on it to imbibe the positive energy and intent. You can also stick it on a wall around you.
1. Everything I put my hand to prospers and succeeds.
2. Success comes easily to me.
3. My mind can achieve anything it can imagine.
4. All of my dreams are coming true.
5. Every day, I make at least one step that takes me closer to my goals.
6. My prosperity contributes to the prosperity of others.
7. I see every opportunity that comes my way.
8. I am dynamic and full of energy and passionate about what I do.
9. I make things happen.
10.I am successful in all that I do.
Choose 2 to 3 affirmations that resonate with you the most and keep repeating them as you go about your day. At least once a day, focus on your energy on them and visualize the outcome to make them more effective.
Common Queries
Frequently Asked Questions
Tarot is a divination tool that is helps to find solutions to life’s challenges. It is a deck of 78 cards, with 22 cards belonging to Major Arcana and 56 to the Minor Arcana.
Predictions are fairly accurate. Though nothing is ever cast in stone, Tarot shows you the bigger picture and points you in the right direction. The rest is up to you. You need to support the advice with right actions and attitude.
If the picture is incomplete, you cannot assess what is happening in your life, and you cannot make an informed decision about how to take things forward. Tarot pulls back the veil and reveals what is affecting your life. The beauty of tarot is not just how it can show the who, what, where and when, but also the why. A tarot reading is both predictive and psychological, and you can see a full picture in the cards before you.
Yes. Sometimes some things still need to be played out in order to get an accurate time frame. In these situations, Tarot indicates that it is better to wait, rather than push for a time frame.
Tarot readings reflect your state of mind. Reading will change as your thought papers change. However, typically a reading holds true for 6-10 weeks, but things may stay the same for longer or change quicker, depending on the work you are doing on yourself or any healing you may be taking.
One a month, once in three months, or even once a year. It truly depends on your needs. For faster results, it is best to combine a Tarot session with other tools and healing. The best action items are recommended within a reading.
There are three main types of tarot deck commonly available today and they are:
- the Rider, also called the Rider Waite-Smith Tarot
- the Thoth, also known as the Crowley-Harris Thoth Tarot
- and the Tarot de Marseille Tarot
Tarot is excellent for receiving clarity on problems or issues that cant be handled with only logic. Relationships, negotiations, work dynamics, office politics, family matters, spiritual well-being are a few to name of.
Tarot can be used in a numerous way, some of which are:
- fortune telling
- personal growth
- life coaching
- spiritual development
- magic and ritual
- learning other systems (qabalah, astrology, numerology etc.)
- creating a vision board and setting intentions
- other creative areas like character and plot development in novels.
A tarot spread is a specific layout of the cards that enables clearer sight into our own or our querent’s situation. They can range from the single, Card-A-Day, to the epic Opening of the Key. Past, Present, Future Tarot Spread is often a favourite because it helps dive into the reading with ease.
Tarot spreads can deal with general situations. The Celtic Cross Spread is good for this, as is the Horseshoe Tarot Spread. While they can be used to answer a question about a particular issue, tarot spreads can be created to only answer questions on a particular subject: money, work, love and so on. They can contain any number of cards, but a typical tarot spread like the Celtic Cross contains 10-11 cards.